Equality, Diversity and Inclusion.
We are interested in your ability and your potential
ProVQ is committed to valuing diversity and seeks to provide all applicants and learners with opportunities for employment, career progression and personal development on the basis of their ability, qualifications and suitability for the apprenticeship program, as well as their potential for personal development within the automotive and land-based engineering industries.
It is our policy that :
No applicant, applying for a ProVQ apprenticeship, will receive less favorable treatment than another applicant on the grounds of their:
- race
- religion
- sex
- martial status
- gender re-assignment
- sexual orientation
- trade union membership
- pregnancy & maternity
- age
- disability
We will seek to address any perceived barriers to access to our services and, where reasonably practicable, respond to individual need to support recruitment, retention and achievement, in particular among underrepresented and vulnerable groups
Screening processes are put in place to identify vulnerable learners at an early stage.
All learners will be given the opportunity to identify individual needs at enrolment, induction and whilst on their programme. Initial assessments will be carried out for all learners and individual support plans will implemented as required.
Where reasonably practicable, learners will be able to access learning support to assist them to achieve their learning goal.
ProVQ has a Zero tolerance stance on bullying, harassment and victimization and has policies in place that protect applicants and learners and enable them able to raise any concerns confidentially.